Another Day, Another Shot Across the Bow

Da Speaker challenges G-Rod’s school proposal. Even if G-Rod wins the battle, does he really think he’ll win the war?

3 thoughts on “Another Day, Another Shot Across the Bow”
  1. I actually saw his speakership today at a downtown coffee shop. Much shorter than I had expected.

  2. What’s it going to take for the IL-Dem party to actually want to govern — and to deliver results for their constituents, rather than engage in endless foodfights?

    I mean, what progress has the party made on any of the basic priorities that most democrats support?
    – progressive taxation
    (lost ground – increased fees/fines)
    – strengthened public schools
    (small increases in state funding countered by property tax rate increase caps)
    – increased access to healthcare
    (none – at best, meager attempts to slow the increase in # of uninsured)
    – broadened civil liberties
    (token gestures)
    – low unemployment
    (IL was ~45th in the country last year with unemployment around 6.7%.)

    As much as I despise the Bush/Delay crowd, they at least know how to deliver on their constituents’ key legislative priorities. I

  3. Not a tall man. But he can make you feel small.

    And Mark–yeah, the problem being the Governor isn’t interested in those priorities, he’s interested in being President.

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