I know I’m late to the party, but this bag of crazy needs more exposure:
Oh, and I don’t think we’d want oceans like they had during the time of dinosaurs:
Human pollution is turning the seas into acid so quickly that the coming decades will recreate conditions not seen on Earth since the time of the dinosaurs, scientists will warn today.
The rapid acidification is caused by the massive amounts of carbon dioxide belched from chimneys and exhausts that dissolve in the ocean. The chemical change is placing “unprecedented” pressure on marine life such as shellfish and lobsters and could cause widespread extinctions, the experts say.
The basic problem this sort of nonsense misses is that the problem is not just change, but the rapid nature of the change and the unpredictable consequences it has on the environment. Over time, the Earth can adapt, but in the case of the time of the dinosaurs we are talking about a period of time of about 160 million years starting 230 million years ago.
So in the case of high CO2 in the atmosphere, that occurred over a very long period of time and there was plenty of time for life to adapt. In the case of global climate change we are seeing rapid (incredibly rapid in terms of Earth’s history) change in the environment that is leading to radical changes in human environments as well as a potential 6th Great Extinction event. New species and habitats will evolve from such an event–but that’s over millions of years–not in the couple hundred years we are currently worried about.
Of course, Shimkus may well believe the Earth is only 6,000 years old and is denying the great gift of intelligence God gave him.
“…and is denying the great gift of intelligence God gave him.”
I think you’re being generous in your assumption.