Make Them Pay

Via Rich

AFSCME’s national President doesn’t seem to like Pat Quinn much

I am sick and tired of the fair-weather Democrats. They date us, take us to the prom, marry us, and then divorce us right after the honeymoon. I am sick and tired of the so-called friends who commend us when they’re running for election, but condemn us after they’ve won. I am sick and tired of the politicians who stand with us behind closed doors, but kick us to the curb in front of the cameras. I’m here to tell you that’s bullshit and we’re not gonna take it anymore.

Many of you know some of the people I’m talking about. Mayor Michael Nutter in Philadelphia. Governor Pat Quinn in Illinois. We’ve come to expect union-busting, anti-worker tactics from ultra-conservatives like Scott Walker and John Kasich. But now, everybody’s on the bandwagon.

Look at Nutter. AFSCME members in Philadelphia haven’t had a contract in four years, and Sister Baylor knows it. What does the mayor do? He goes to the Republican-controlled Pennsylvania Supreme Court to get a legal decision that would let him shove his contract down our throats. He’s no different from Governor Snyder in Michigan, who went to his state’s Supreme Court to get legal cover for cutting school employees’ pay. Different political parties, same political games.

Look at Governor Quinn. He has waged a relentless war on state employees – slashing pensions, driving down incomes and wiping out jobs. Last year he took the unprecedented step of terminating our contract. He is the first and only Illinois governor, Republican or Democrat, to take such a blatantly aggressive action.

I have had enough of these turncoats, and it’s time to make them pay.

The problem is who is he going to support?  Madigan’s daughter?  Daley’s brother?  Of course, with terminating the contract, Quinn made either choice either.  Both families have had issues with AFSCME, but those are quibbles compared to the contract.

Don’t Piss Off Dog Owners

Even in Missouri we passed regulations on puppy mills.  Toi Hutchinson-against any regulations according to here NRA Questionaire

29. Some animal “rights” organizations oppose the ownership of dogs as pets. They admonish people to never buy dogs from breeders or pet stores. Through so-called “puppy mill” legislation, they seek to regulate legitimate and caring breeders out of business. The proponents disingenuously claim that this legislation is intended to stop animal cruelty. Of course, animal cruelty laws already exist in Illinois and should be used to prosecute anyone who practices cruelty against animals. If dog breeders are driven out of business, hunters who use dogs must pay more for their animals, assuming the are still available, or quit hunting altogether. Would you oppose legislation that targets legitimate dog breeders as “puppy mills?”

a. Yes, I would oppose such legislation.

Via Markos at Daily Kos

Treating dogs humanely gets people up in arms.  Ask Bill Brady.

[flash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZPHzXU199M]

Hutchinson Wanted To End FOID Cards

Holy Shit!

From the NRA Questionaire

9. When the instant criminal background check conducted by the Illinois State Police on firearms purchases became law,
the FOID card – which requires the same data check – became obsolete. Illinois also requires an unnecessary waiting
period for handgun, rifle, and shotgun purchases. In addition, recent manpower shortages at the State Police have resulted
in long delays for FOID card renewals. This problem has led to countless lawabiding citizens becoming de facto criminals
for being in possession of firearms without a valid FOID card when it expires due to no fault of their own. Would you
support eliminating the redundant and unnecessarily bureaucratic FOID card and waiting period?

a. Yes, I would support legislation eliminating the FOID card requirement.

The delays are inexcusable, but the FOID is especially helpful in helping police know when to confiscate firearms from those with orders of protection against them as well as just being good policy.

The Very Progressive Toi Hutchinson

Rich gives us the latest oppo drop on Robin Kelly from Toi which cites State of Illinois investments in companies that deal with firearms–a comment suggests this investment predated Alexi’s time in office and actually was reduced during her time working for Alexi.  So it appears to be a very odd hit piece especially because it keeps the debate on guns which is not a winner for Hutchinson.

  1. – so… – Monday, Feb 11, 13 @ 10:05 am:One other thing worth noting that isn’t in the Sun Times article – The awful, horrible, no-good investment in Alliant Techsystems was made BEFORE Giannoulias took office and Kelly became his Chief of Staff.

    See the 2006 ISBI Annual Report – http://www.idaillinois.org/cdm/compoundobject/collection/edi/id/407549/rec/20

    Page 63 – Alliant Techsystems – 126,700 shares, valued at $9,673,545

    If anything Hutchinson should be THANKING Kelly. Once Alexi and Kelly took office, the investment in Alliant shrank considerably.

    As of June 30, 2007 ISBI’s investment in Alliant had shrunk to 75,176 shares valued at $7,453,700 (http://www2.illinois.gov/isbi/Documents/ISBI_Annual_Report_2007.pdf)

    As of June 30, 2008, the ISBI investment in Alliant was valued at a mere $53,585 (http://www2.illinois.gov/isbi/Documents/ISBI_Annual_Report_2008.pdf)

    As of June 30, 2009 the investment was worth $109,292 (http://www2.illinois.gov/isbi/Documents/ISBI_Annual_Report_2009.pdf)

    As of June 30, 2010 the investment was worth $113,384 (http://www2.illinois.gov/isbi/Documents/ISBI_Annual_Report_2010.pdf)

    So, under Kelly and Giannoulias’ tenure, the ISBI’s investment in Alliant shrunk from $9,673,545 to $113,384 – at 98.8% reduction.

But what I’m curious about is why did Stand for Children Illinois donate $100,000 to her?  For those not familar with Stand for Children Illinois they are the Illinois affiliate of a anti-union school ‘reform’ group made famous with Jonah Edelman’s remarks

[flash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddtd0vt6oYE]

Yeah, them.  The ones who created the super high majority for a teacher strike–which the Chicago Teachers reached.

It came in the General Election in 2010 so she hasn’t faced a primary or even had to ask questions about that donation yet.  It might be the time to ask her what exactly does she agree with in Stand with Children’s agenda that got her $100,000.


Shorter Judy Baar Topinka

He doesn’t slobber on himself.

“Gov. Quinn is a good-hearted man and I appreciate his efforts in delivering today’s State of the State address. The fact is that despite our many challenges, there are good things happening in Illinois and many reasons to be proud to call this state our home.

Rest of the press release

SPRINGFIELD – Illinois Comptroller Judy Baar Topinka on Wednesday released the following statement in response to Gov. Pat Quinn’s State of the State address:

“Gov. Quinn is a good-hearted man and I appreciate his efforts in delivering today’s State of the State address. The fact is that despite our many challenges, there are good things happening in Illinois and many reasons to be proud to call this state our home.

“Unfortunately, our continued financial predicament overshadows these accomplishments. Today my office has more than 161,980 unpaid bills totaling more than $6.5 billion – and the state’s total bill backlog reaches $9 billion. Our unfunded pension liability is $97 billion, and growing by $17 million each day. And the nation’s bond rating agencies have downgraded Illinois 12 times in the last four years – giving us the worst credit in the nation and costing taxpayers more whenever the state borrows.

“This fiscal calamity hovers like a storm cloud over the state of Illinois. It will not lift until we take long-overdue steps to balance our books in the long run. We cannot afford tangents or distractions – we have to address our finances, and time is of the essence.”

Kelly Up in Internal Poll

Leading Halvorson by 4 and Hutchinson by 6.

Hutchinson’s true record on guns not out yet. This week’s Chicago Tribune story detailing Senator Hutchinson’s responses on her NRA questionnaire that earned her an A rating has not yet penetrated the public’s perception. More than one in five (21 percent) of voters who say they would not support an A-rated candidate are currently voting for Hutchinson—support that is likely to disappear as the campaign continues.

More over at Capitol Fax, but good numbers and even better news if the NRA continues to take center stage in this race.

When Changing Your Mind Is Just Too Convenient

Markos has been doing a good job handing Toi Hutchinson her butt for past support of the NRA.  Hutchinson claims she has changed her mind and is acting:

When state Sen. Toi Hutchinson ran in her first election in 2010, the National Rifle Association backed her because she opposed a ban on semi-automatic weapons, high-capacity magazines, the reporting of stolen firearms and supported the right to carry a concealed weapon.

Now as a Democratic candidate in the special 2nd Congressional District primary campaign, Hutchinson supports a ban on semi-automatic weapons and large-capacity ammunition clips as well as requiring comprehensive background checks and stolen firearms to be reported.

“When it’s time to move, you need to move, and when I had an opportunity to take action, I took action, and I think actions speak louder than words,” said Hutchinson, of Olympia Fields, during an appearance Monday before the Tribune editorial board.


The country’s current gun control situation is “one of the biggest reasons why I signed onto the assault weapons ban and the ban on the high-capacity magazines and I just signed onto another bill that makes you have to report if you’ve lost your gun within three days. Because there are a ton of people who lose, you know, and they end up being used in crimes later and nobody knows what happened to those firearms,” she said at the forum.


She was added to the assault weapon ban on January 29


Date Chamber  Action
  1/16/2013 Senate Filed with Secretary by Sen. Antonio Muñoz
  1/16/2013 Senate First Reading
  1/16/2013 Senate Referred to Assignments
  1/29/2013 Senate Added as Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Toi W. Hutchinson
  1/31/2013 Senate Added as Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Jacqueline Y. Collins

Requirement to report stolen firearm

Date Chamber  Action
  1/16/2013 Senate Filed with Secretary by Sen. Dan Kotowski
  1/16/2013 Senate First Reading
  1/16/2013 Senate Referred to Assignments
  1/29/2013 Senate Added as Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Julie A. Morrison
  1/29/2013 Senate Added as Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Toi W. Hutchinson
  1/30/2013 Senate Added as Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Jacqueline Y. Collins
  1/30/2013 Senate Assigned to Public Health


Last session–nada. Kotowski had bills up to require all private sales with family exceptions have to undergo a background check, make it illegal to purchase a 50 caliber rifle, and make it illegal to sell a gun to a gang member.  Munoz had the assault weapons ban last session as well.

Evolving views happen, but some are just too convenient especially when Hutchinson was so absent on even basic common sense changes.  Hutchinson saying she is doing something now is nothing more than looking around and realizing she is toast with the NRA hung around her neck.