Karmic Justice
Quinn is likely to get a running mate who owns a pawn shop and hasn’t finished his Bachelor’s degree.
Loose Cannon II
Call It A Comeback
Quinn is likely to get a running mate who owns a pawn shop and hasn’t finished his Bachelor’s degree.
Loose Cannon II
With about 5000 votes and 3 percent of precincts left it’s certainly getting harder for Hynes to pull this off, but not impossible. It all depends on where votes are going to come from.
Andy McKenna looks sour. LOL. He’s going to turn into Oberweis II.
That’s certainly not set in stone and we may have some recounts coming. About 3 percent is out and we don’t know the vote total.
Brady makes Quinn an easy guy to support ;)–and Brady is from my home town. I don’t think he’ll play well in the suburbs with women, but we’ll see. He’s an incredibly hard worker. His first race in which he upset Gordon Ropp he essentially walked the district and outworked a very comfortable incumbent. His race for Congress turned into a fight over whether he or Sam Ewing went to Bible Study more leaving Tim Johnson to clean up with the voters not concerned about your personal creed.
99 percent reporting-4 precincts out.
87 percent reporting—picking up slightly faster right now.
Appears to have won the right to lose to Jerry Costello.
Good speech so far–throws full support behind Alexi.
He should run for Mayor. Essentially he already has.
88 percent in and Hultgren is up about 5,000. Hysterical
Hynes down about 9,000 vote with 15 percent. At the rate of gain since Chicago reported, it comes down to almost a tie. We don’t know what’s left in that 15 percent, but it looks to be very close.
Brady is up about 1000 votes and there’s about 2000 between Dillard and McKenna (McKenna in third)