March Madness With References–no not that kind
I’m surprised there aren’t more like this:
I am not a Democrat. I learn from Democratic ideals of John F. Kennedy’s discussion of “ask not what your
country can do for you but what you can do for your country,” the Peace Corps and advisors in Vietnam,
FDR’s alphabet soup and New Deal of many attempts at solving problems such as the 1935 enactment of
the Social Security Act or the Works Progress Administration or Civilian Conservation Corps doing civil
service activities. I learn from Jimmy Carter’s fireside chats, inflationary activity and problematic helicopter
rescue in Iran as the helicopter crew lost their lives, Clinton’s personal communications and attempts at
debt reduction, Obama’s constant attempts at helping (even though each of these presidents often had
difficulties). Part of what I learn from Kennedy’s words about service is that we use people for the state’s
purposes not their liberty interest.
I learn also from the original 1800 era Republican platform of not taking away the rights of people under
slavery, not enforcing the fugitive slave laws, and how party distinctions do not matter. Lincoln, in part, is
respected for me in terms of his support for that Republican platform established at Ripon Wisconsin in the
mid 1800’s.
I learn too from many party positions from anarchists which had a history in the Haymarket discussion/riot
in negative way, but also in their concern with freedom. What happened at the Haymarket Riot is not clear-
there were police and others there in Chicago at that time. Their contribution to labor law should be
appreciated more. Anarchistic writings are extensive from respected linguist Noam Chomsky to another
anarchist who missed his wedding to show respect for freedom. Proudhon and Tolstoy discussed concern
with mutual aid and concern with family. I admit anarchists seem to have been historically discriminated
against (Sacco and Vanzetti, for example or the deportation of anarchists in the early 20th
century), but I just learn from the philosophy of concern with authority asserting excessive control. Laws after McKinley may make it illegal to actually be an anarchist in the US according to World Book Encyclopedia online accessed 3/13/2010
Judge Maureen Connors supposedly, according to one possibly incorrect website, called a candidate a
LaRouche candidate while running for office to criticize the candidate, but then she violates the rights of
elderly and disabled people who come to the state by using Illinois Probate Law to take away rights to
decide. Our party affiliations do not make us make correct, or even better, decisions often. If I looked at
literature from libertarians, LaRouchites, socialists, conservatives, democrats, Republicans, European,
Indian, African, Canadian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, South American, U.S. politicians I would learn
something from each.
I look at each issue independently and my choices are not controlled by party politics. I see no reason for
party affiliation. We can like both the mascots of an elephant and a donkey, and similarly we can appreciat
the political positions of both.
Since Democrats such as Andrew Jackson were involved in the loss of many Native Americans, there is
nothing wrong with saying that you can learn from Democratic philosophy while also learning from other
philosophy as well.
He’s an author. Even published. Self-published.
Thank you Illinois Democratic Party for making your first foray into online politics being a giant scream to “BRING OUT THE GADFLIES!”
Have you previously held elected office?
If so, which one(s)?
Only the director of a not for profit 501c3 museum A French American Museum of Chicago and director of a
small business Dinosaurs Trees Religion and Galaxies Inc. which makes sales all over the world in the form o
books. I have done a number of patent applications which show the value of human creativity without
necessarily precluding others from using the ideas. These jobs as director may actually restrict me from
being Lieutenant Governor legally; one cannot be in government at the same time as holding the L G job. I
am not sure what is meant by not being allowed to hold a government position-does being a NASA
contractor without contracts mean that you cannot hold the L G job? My mother wanted me to be her
limited guardian, but her election wishes were not followed.
I used to work at Roosevelt University managing the archives, doing bibliographic instruction, assisting
students, selecting books, building handouts for 9 years, NU Galter Library for 6 years and IIT working in the
library for 8 years. Holding elected office is good experience, but not necessary for the Lieutenant Governor
job. We get elected in small elections to do certain jobs, so these are small election results.
I am also a registered DOD, NASA, NIH contractor, but I have not gotten any contracts. Some ideas like
reuse of old missions, space junk checks on reentry, concern about size of the station on reentry, and
colliding objects with asteroids are related to my work. I do not know what effect being a NASA contractor
would have on the prohibition from holding the Lieutenant Governor job while holding another government
What do you believe are the greatest challenges facing the State of Illinois and areas of greatest
Greatest challenges. ]
The state should NOT take away the rights and resources of persons under guardianship, should let elderly
and different persons get fresh air away from second hand smoke associated with over 500,000 deaths at
nursing homes, should let people go to religious services, consent to treatment and go home, know
chemicals used on them, use phones, be visited, get mail, medical records, go to zoos, museums, listen to
music, see movies, and go to reunions. Taking over someone’s rights and resources is really like slavery; in
Illinois we should be morally concerned with taking away rights and resources with simple conditions like
happiness, sadness, fear, heart disease, ulcer, hernia and different speech or expression. The state of Illinois
takes away the rights of people with differences under guardianship more than any other state.
Illinois, it’s like slavery!
There’s a lot more, but feel free to read it all the way through. I’m pretty sure he has a tin foil hat and can explain it in sentence fragments that produce run on fragments.