Teh Awesome

116. In addition, in  the  course of the conversations over the last month, ROD
BLAGOJEVICH has spent significant time weighing the option of appointing himself to the
open Senate seat, and has expressed a variety of reasons for doing so, including frustration
at being “stuck” as governor, a belief that he will be able to obtain greater resources if he is
indicted as a  sitting Senator as opposed to a sitting governor, and a desire to remake his
image in consideration of a possible run for President in 2016, avoid impeachment by the
Illinois legislature, make corporate contacts that would be of value to him after leaving
public office, facilitate his wife’s employment as a lobbyist, and assist in generating speaking
fees should he decide to leave public office.

Avoid impeachment, run for President.

The Stupidest Man On Earth

Used his home phone even though he knew he was under investigation:

b. On October 29, 2008, Chief Judge James Holderman entered an Order
authorizing the interception of wire communications to  and from a landline telephone
subscribed to ROD BLAGOJEVICH’s home address and used by ROD BLAGOJEVICH and
others.  The interception of wire communications to and from ROD BLAGOJEVICH’s home
phone began on the evening of October 29, 2008.  On November 26, 2008, Acting Chief
Judge Matthew F. Kennelly signed an order authorizing the continued interception of wire
communications on ROD BLAGOJEVICH’s home phone for a second 30-day period.

Doesn’t he even watch TV? I mean, it’s not like he was busy being Governor.

Delusional To the End

He used his home phone.  Thank God criminals are stupid:

87. By law, after  the President-elect’s resignation of his position as a U.S. Senator,
which was effective on November 16, 2008, ROD BLAGOJEVICH has sole authority to
appoint his replacement for the two years remaining of  the President-elect’s Senate term.  See
10 ILCS 5/25-8.  During the course of this investigation, agents have intercepted a series of
communications regarding the efforts of ROD BLAGOJEVICH, JOHN HARRIS, and others

to misuse this power to obtain personal  gain,  including financial gain, for ROD
BLAGOJEVICH and his family.  In particular, ROD BLAGOJEVICH has been intercepted
conspiring to trade the senate seat for particular positions that the President-elect has the
power to appoint (e.g.  the Secretary of Health and Human Services).  ROD BLAGOJEVICH
has also been intercepted conspiring to sell the Senate seat in exchange for his wife’s
placement  on  paid corporate boards or ROD BLAGOJEVICH’s placement at a private
foundation in a significant position with a substantial salary.  ROD BLAGOJEVICH has also
been intercepted conspiring to sell the Senate seat in exchange for  millions of dollars in
funding for a non-profit organization that he would start and that would employ him at a
substantial salary after he left the governorship.

92. On November 4, 2008, ROD BLAGOJEVICH spoke with JOHN HARRIS
regarding the potential vacant Senate seat.  ROD BLAGOJEVICH stated that the “trick . .
. is how do you conduct indirectly . . . a negotiation” for the Senate seat.
Thereafter, ROD
BLAGOJEVICH analogized his situation to that of a sports agent shopping a potential free
agent to various teams, stating “how much are you offering, [President-elect]?  What  are you
offering, [Senate Candidate 2]? . . . Can always go to. . . [Senate Candidate 3].”  Later ROD
BLAGOJEVICH stated that he will make a decision on the Senate seat “in good faith . . . but
it is not coming for free. . . .It’s got to be good stuff for the people of Illinois and good for
me.”  ROD BLAGOJEVICH states “[President-elect], you want it?  Fine.  But, its got to be
good or I could always take [the Senate seat].”

It’s stunning. Go read the whole thing

Just shut your door at work because you’ll be laughing or crying. Or both.

Everything is For Sale

What a piece of garbage:

c. Defendants ROD BLAGOJEVICH and JOHN HARRIS, together with
others, attempted to use ROD BLAGOJEVICH’s authority to appoint a United States Senator
for the purpose of obtaining personal benefits for ROD BLAGOJEVICH, including, among
other things, appointment as Secretary of Health & Human Services in the President-elect’s
administration, and alternatively, a lucrative job which they schemed to induce a union to
provide to ROD BLAGOJEVICH in exchange for appointing as senator an individual whom

ROD BLAGOJEVICH and JOHN HARRIS believed to be favored by union officials and
their associates.

Everything is for sale:

86. Intercepted phone calls demonstrate that ROD BLAGOJEVICH, JOHN
HARRIS, and others have engaged and are engaged in  efforts to obtain personal gain,
including financial gain, for the benefit of ROD BLAGOJEVICH and his family through the
corrupt use of ROD BLAGOJEVICH’s authority as Governor of the State of Illinois to fill
the vacant United States Senate Seat previously held by the President-elect.

It’s a Sunshine Day!


Under investigation, that mother….. tried to sell the Senate seat. Now, that’s audacious.

But it gets better–

Beginning no later than November 2008 to the present, in Cook County, in the Northern District of Illinois,
defendants ROD R. BLAGOJEVICH and JOHN HARRIS, being agents of the State of Illinois, a State government
which during a one-year period, beginning January 1, 2008 and continuing to the present, received federal benefits in excess of $10,000, corruptly solicited and demanded a thing of value, namely, the firing of certain Chicago Tribune editorial members responsible for widely-circulated editorials critical of ROD R. BLAGOJEVICH, intending to be influenced and rewarded in connection with business and transactions of the State of Illinois involving a thing of value of $5,000 or more, namely, the provision of millions of dollars in financial assistance by the State of Illinois,  including through the Illinois Finance Authority, an agency of the State of Illinois, to the Tribune Company involving the Wrigley Field baseball stadium; in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 666(a)(1)(B) and 2.

I promise not to make fun of Bruce Dold for some time…

Daily Dolt: The Governor


“I should say if anybody wants to tape my conversations, go right ahead, feel free to do it. I appreciate anybody who wants to tape me openly and notoriously, and those who feel like they want to sneakily and wear taping devices, I would remind them that it kind of smells like Nixon and Watergate,” Blagojevich said.

Oh my God is the man a moron on top of everything else.

Blagojevich was asked if he felt there was a cloud over his efforts to pick a Senate replacement for President-elect Barack Obama.

“I don’t believe there’s any cloud that hangs over me, I think there’s nothing but sunshine hanging over me,” Blagojevich said.