August 2008

Perhaps Wash U Can Get that Degree Back…

Phyllis Schlafly, you idiot.

Kristin Armstrong won a gold medal for America in cycling, but she went to high school in Japan, where her military family was living. Now 35 years old, she is another self-made female athlete who apparently did not benefit from Title IX.

Ummmm…there are virtually, if not literally, no high schools that have cycling teams.  Cycling is done through clubs usually.  But more importantly:

She swam for her high school team in Japan and returned to the U.S. to attend the University of Idaho. She did not compete in any sports for the Vandals.

Making it even better–It’s a DOD school.  Which was covered by Title IX?

Schlafly’s best quote though:

Many men’s swimming teams have been eliminated due to Title IX quotas, and future American winners will likely avoid college. Why bother attending college if you can’t play the sport you love?

Second best:

Title IX quotas have caused the elimination of all but 19 men’s college gymnastics teams. This deprives boys of the scholarship incentive to take up gymnastics as a sport in high school and takes away the competition needed to improve their skills in college.

It has to hurt to be that stupid. Colleges do not exist to create Olympic athletes–they exist to educate students.

She brings up the wrestling canard, of course, when the real culprit isn’t women, but football.  Outside of Iowa and Nebraska no one watches College Wrestling so it doesn’t have the pull with alumni football does.  Football does and it gets an incredibly disproportionate share of the resources compared to any other sport.

How Dumb is the Right Blogosphere

They are trying to blame Democrats for an attack on neo-con Michelle Malkin by Paleo Con-conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.

Apparently the ‘Democrat’ Party is responsible for conservative on conservative violence now.  Sweet.

Sadly No!

Shorter Right-Wing Blogosphere

  • Ho-hum, we condemn the alleged plot to assassinate Barack. . .OH MY GOD, SOMEBODY YELLED AT MICHELLE MALKIN!

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

One of the Most Decent People to Ever Serve in Congress

I’ve been a fan of Jim Leach long before I ever heard of Barack Obama. He was the Congressman for the District which Cornell College resided and he would visit fairly regularly and was humble, smart, and incredibly down to earth.  He never ducked tough questions and he treated everyone with respect.  He also called out the right wing of his party frequently.  Gorenfeld just covered another story I’d never heard before:

In 1983, Norquist and Abramoff were part of a new wave of Republicans—they called themselves “movement conservatives”—struggling for control of the GOP. The old guard, symbolized by Rep. Jim Leach and his think tank, the Ripon Society, urged caution at the new politics of God, gays, abortion and trickle-down economics. They warned that the new faction was ripping up the pre-1964 roots of the party.

“Jack Abramoff is an Orthodox Jew and I am a Christian,” Norquist shot back. “We do not take this very kindly.”

Leach was gracious to such criticism—maybe excessively. After someone in the Norquist camp called the piece “a bunch of ridiculous malarkey,” Leach courteously confessed to his audience that the work might well suffer from “less-than-perfect research, and less-than-perfect facts.” Jim! thought McKenzie in consternation.

* * *

But no one had accused the duo of being Moon Children—at least, not literally. Over six months, McKenzie and fellow investigator Ken Ruberg had painstakingly researched what they saw as a cynical symbiosis forming during Reagan’s Morning In America. Several deals had been struck between right activists who raked in more money than ever by claiming to defend American tradition, and Moon, who was hostile to it. “Our position,” McKenzie says, “was, ‘Do you want to have Republicans lined up with a group that has these values?’”

What could conservatives possibly have in common with a Korean mystic from the fringes of the counterculture? Crude fearmongering, Leach argued. Conservatives were now “[a]ppealing to the lowest instinct rather than the highest in the America psyche,” he wrote. They had “inundated the country with fundraising appeals that tear apart the ethic of tolerance which binds our society together […]ust as Moon attempts to influence the young by offering simplistic allegiance to himself, the ‘Father,’ as a pallative to the anxiety endemic to modern society…”

What was on the line, he said, was “whether the Republican Party returns to its traditions, re-establishing itself as a party of rights and pragmatism, or adopts an agenda catalyzed by Moon and Richard Viguerie, becoming instead a party of anger and socialized values.” Viguerie, the most intriguing of all of Leach’s targets, was known as the “Founding Funder” of the Reagan revolution, whose direct-mail money machine had helped sweep Reagan Republicans into office.

Leach lost in 2006 to my college advisor David Loebsack.  It was one of the most honorable races ever run for Congress with very little negativity.  David and I talked in 2004 I think, when he was thinking about getting in the race.  I said I respected Leach, but if his first vote is the the Republican leadership then I could not support him anymore.  David responded, “Exactly!”  This wasn’t a new argument at all and it was what David ran on–Jim Leach is a good guy, but he was enabling people who had none of the integrity he did.  Leach even threatened to caucus with the Democrats if the RNCC ran a gay bashing piece against David.  The election was very close with David winning just barely.  Jim Leach almost certainly lost his race for himself and I think he was just fine with that.

Leach, as Banking Chair, single-handedly stopped Phil Gramm and the Clinton administration from tearing down the walls between banking and commerce–a key structural reform after the Great Depression.  It wasn’t about party to him, it was about what was right.

Leach endorsed Obama and spoke at the convention the other night.  He’s not dynamic in that setting.  Of all people, his voice sounds like Alan Keyes without the crazy ranting or Marvin the Martian.  He also seemed like the living embodiment of Edmund Burke, the founder of modern conservatism.  Burke would see movement conservatism as another form of radicalism that he detested.  While Leach might not agree with everything in the Democratic Party, his endorsement of Obama comes from a fundamentally conservative place–where societies reform, not revolt.  Societies have a duty to those before them and those after them to maintain the that society as a contract between generations and that contract keeps us from losing our moorings to what is common to us all.


White Whale Hunting

Stanley Kurtz is sure that he can land Moby Dick if THE MAN would just let him.

This is one of his great lines

Even so, Stanley Kurtz, a contributing editor for the conservative magazine National Review, thinks Obama’s association with Ayers should raise questions in the minds of voters who wonder of Obama is as mainstream as he claims to be.

“The fact that Obama and Ayers were working together stems from the pretty sharp left-leaning ideology that both of them shared to some extent,” Kurtz said.


What a moron.  The only good thing is that Kurtz now has access to the documents and will be overwhelmed with boredom for what goes on at non-profit board meetings. I’ve had to attend many of those and they suck.  Even if you are committed to the purpose and it’s an important meeting, they suck in the most boring way possible.

What’s strange is that Annenberg was a very mainstream effort that involved business and the community as the whole. While it’s not thought of as having provided clear reforms in terms of improvement, it did experiment quite a bit and tried out different solutions. The level of paranoia to represent such an organization as some leftist conspiracy is hard to comprehend.

Irony Defined

Marin’s Column

Bonnie Grabenhofer, president of Illinois NOW, told reporters she’s sick and tired of the misogynistic language that’s used against women — “Hillary, iron my shirt” — that elicits too little if any outrage among Democratic party leaders.

Other mysognistic statements and behavior by men

IL NOW pres. Bonnie Grabenhofer “said the six-year-old
allegations are troubling, but there are still reasons to
support Hull.” Grabenhofer “said voters need to balance those
private allegations with Hull’s public commitment to women’s
issues” (Chicago Sun-Times, 2/28). Grabenhofer: “The whole
thing raises some troubling questions. Just that it happened.
But I don’t know if this one incident that happened a number of
years ago undoes what he has done.” Grabenhofer “cited Hull’s
work supporting abortion rights groups financially and his
support of his daughter’s Supreme Court battle to preserve Title
IX” (Krol, Arlington Heights Daily Herald, 2/29).

One of the problems with what Grabenhofer and Jones advocate is that they both assume that their brand of identity politics should be the dominant form. I don’t believe identity politics are uncalled for as do those who seem to think that racism and sexism don’t mean that women and minority groups don’t have common shared interests.  Of course, identity politics exist if racism and sexism exist.

There’s no realization by Jones that sexism was so present in the campaign and Grabenhofer shows no grasp that Obama faced racism from the media and party–and media is still doing it with Joe Scarborough making today’s list of morons.

It’s just another group of people who view the world through 1968 and continue be at odds with each other instead of common threats to their interests. It’s perfectly legitimate to complain about the sexism Clinton faced.  However, Grabenhofer seems to change her standards.  I cannot say what Marin’s colleague was saying, but there are a lot of people younger than Grabenhofer’s generation who think Illinois Yesterday is a perfect description of a group headed by two people who cannot keep their story straight on abortion votes in the Illinois Lege and don’t seem to hold everyone to the same standard.