March 2006

Stroger SEUI Stuff

Okay, being out of touch, I lost the story a bit,
Carl had this in comments:

Stroger contrived a plan to torpedo a bill SEIU supported. He sold out janitors (and maybe building security personnel) in favor of the Building Owners Managers Association.

Stroger claimed his prostate was bugging him and he had to go to the bathroom. But when Stroger relinguished the chair to Moreno, he sat next to him.

Anyone have more on this? Is SEIU out working for him yet or sitting on their hands (appropriate if the above is accurate since Stroger was sitting on his butt).
As of Friday, they were not at South Side or West Side early voting and this from the labor rally last Thursday

Chicago Federation of Labor had a big event that ended up being about half-empty because of the absence of SEIU. Event organizers were caught off-guard.

Stroger SEUI Stuff

Okay, being out of touch, I lost the story a bit,
Carl had this in comments:

Stroger contrived a plan to torpedo a bill SEIU supported. He sold out janitors (and maybe building security personnel) in favor of the Building Owners Managers Association.

Stroger claimed his prostate was bugging him and he had to go to the bathroom. But when Stroger relinguished the chair to Moreno, he sat next to him.

Anyone have more on this? Is SEIU out working for him yet or sitting on their hands (appropriate if the above is accurate since Stroger was sitting on his butt).
As of Friday, they were not at South Side or West Side early voting and this from the labor rally last Thursday

Chicago Federation of Labor had a big event that ended up being about half-empty because of the absence of SEIU. Event organizers were caught off-guard.

Fine Moments in Congressional Representation

From the Kankakee City News by Taylor Publications (African-American paper), a poll was run that found that 68% of those polled over a 3 week period felt Weller should not be reelected with an N of 600 people (obviously not the most scientific of polls).

The full story is in a pdf above and a good run down on Weller’s connections to Abramoff and the Cunningham scandal principles as well as his mediocre work in the district, but the great response is below

When our reporter contacted Congressional Representative Jerry Weller’s office to discuss the poll, we were told the campaign did not believe the opinion of African-American voters would affect their candidate’s chances of victory in November.

So kiss off…

Cegelis Intervew: War in Iraq

Specific benchmarks, timetables and goals must be met with a goal towards removal of troops. One common way to challenge this view is that it lets insurgents wait for us to leave, but I pressed on a different end of the issue. If the Bush Administration continues its pattern of incompetence, what good does it do if you have benchmarks that are not met? In theory, the problem is that incompetence means there is no way out of Iraq.

Christine responded that Congressional oversight was the key and essentially that using that oversight tool to bring attention should eventually result in meeting benchmarks, but also that an intractable problem of incompetence may not be easy to solve with this administration.

Cegelis Interview: Gun Control

Okay, I had some problems with the audio, so I had to work from notes. Not as complete as I’d like, but here goes:

Christine favors an assault weapon ban. I also asked her about the Illinois schema of gun regulation that involves everyone who operates a firearm being required to have a Firearm Owner Identification (FOID) card, background checks, and 24/72 hour waiting periods for gun purchases. Specifically I asked if she would support extending that to a national level and she responded that she tends to see that issue how Howard Dean did–each state is capable of determining their own gun laws to fit the needs of that state.