On Friday, April 29th, I was battered, twice, by Peggy Cowman, a staff
member employed by Congressman Jerry Weller while attending a public meeting on social security at Kankakee Community College. I exercised my first
amendment right to free speech and brought a sign expressing my thoughts on
social security on one side of the poster board and my shock at Weller?s
support of his Guatemalan father-in-law, on the other side. The
father-in-law is an ex-dictator General who is responsible for genocide and
human rights violations in the tens of thousands during his coup of that
countries? government in 1982 – 83.
I understand that we can?t pick our in-laws but Weller chose to marry the
dictator?s daughter in Guatemala – at the home of this murderous dictator
-and even had him lead part of the religious ceremony! Weller?s wife
supports and even campaigned for her father?s failed presidential bid in
2003. She is also a prominent Senator representing the Guatemalan Republic
Front, a political party founded by her father.
I followed Weller?s entourage out of the auditorium after the meeting. I had
one question unrelated to social security I wanted to ask him. There were
many opportunities for him to answer my question as we stood outside the
auditorium and he answered other?s peoples questions, and as I followed the
entourage through the college and out into a private parking lot. I kept
asking my question, he just ignored me.
As we were all standing in the parking lot Peggy Cowman came up from behind
me, grabbed and squeezed my arm while yanking me backwards. I yelled at her
?do not touch me? and pointed out that was battery. A college security card,
probably at the order of the KCC College president who was standing right
there, came over and glared at me, while Ms. Cowman scurried away. I then
walked around the group, from the back of a van to the front of the van that
Weller?s entourage was getting into, to hold up my sign and try to ask my
question one last time. Suddenly Cowman comes charging up to me again and
begins trying to yank the sign from my hands! The security guard came up
again and Cowman jumped into the van, again the security guard glared at me!
And the college president, in a very rude and demeaning tone yelled at me to
?get off the grass!? I had been pushed back into the bushes by Cowman trying
to yank the sign from my hands. I went and filed a police report, with a
witness who was nice enough to come with me. I hope Congressman Weller and
his staff will keep their countries straight in the future ? this is America
where, so far, we still have freedom of speech and it is illegal to be
battered by politicians? staff members just because they don?t like what
someone has to say. This is NOT Guatemala – where dictator?s batter, abuse
and murder people who do not agree with them.
Oh yes, my question? ?Why does Weller support a dictator responsible for
genocide and human rights abuses of tens of thousands of people but always
votes against women?s reproductive rights and right to privacy and control
over women?s bodies based on his religious beliefs??
Karie Ellison