Barack at 82%
Barack is leading 1,183,343 (82%) to ~230,000 🙂
Call It A Comeback
Barack is leading 1,183,343 (82%) to ~230,000 🙂
Holy Cow! Not absolutely confirmed, but fantastic news! Go Charlie Go!
Weller, Jerry (i) Rep 1,084 42.56
Renner, Tari Dem 1,463 57.44
8 of 585 precincts
Melissa Bean 53.9%
Democratic Challenger (42643 votes) Phil Crane 46.1%
Republican Incumbent (36445 votes) Chuck Kelecic 0%
Libertarian Challenger (0 votes) Precincts Reporting: 33%
90 of 528 Precincts
Hyde, Henry (i) Rep 15,651 51.66
Cegelis, Christine Dem 14,647 48.34
Melissa Bean 56.7%
Democratic Challenger (26091 votes) Phil Crane 43.3%
Republican Incumbent (19941 votes) Chuck Kelecic 0%
Libertarian Challenger (0 votes) Precincts Reporting: 21%
Melissa Bean 56.7%
Democratic Challenger (26091 votes) Phil Crane 43.3%
Republican Incumbent (19941 votes) Chuck Kelecic 0%
Libertarian Challenger (0 votes) Precincts Reporting: 21%
Dooley up, Farmer ahead (irrelevant), 53-45 for Claire–Claire less than 1 point ahead of Kerry.
Melissa Bean 56.5%
Democratic Challenger (18939 votes) Phil Crane 43.5%
Republican Incumbent (14610 votes) Chuck Kelecic 0%
Libertarian Challenger (0 votes) Precincts Reporting: 16%
Melissa Bean 56.8%
Democratic Challenger (9479 votes) Phil Crane 43.2%
Republican Incumbent (7198 votes)
8% reporting.