Open Thread and a Question?
Who ran the worst Illinois Campaign of the last 20 years?
Jim Ryan ’02
Stevenson ’86 (a fitting number for that campaign)
Jack Ryan ’04
Dawn Clark Netsch ’94
Damn even balanced it on partisan grounds without trying.
Call It A Comeback
Who ran the worst Illinois Campaign of the last 20 years?
Jim Ryan ’02
Stevenson ’86 (a fitting number for that campaign)
Jack Ryan ’04
Dawn Clark Netsch ’94
Damn even balanced it on partisan grounds without trying.
Full damage control at Jack! HQ:
Today between 2 and 6 p.m. we need you to call in to a top rated radio talk show in Bloomington, IL. The Williams and Whisman show wants to hear your support and opinion of Jack?s candidacy for the Senate. Please call 800-322-9377 to voice your support.
Thank you for your continued support!
Sarah J. Gough
To Obama–he could now be facing a far better challenger so let’s make sure getting in that race is unattractive. The ad is down due to difficulties with Blogads, but will be back soon. For now Donate Here!
Ghost in the Machine is released today, Chris Rhodes gives his take on it…..
And some of the funniest stuff on Jack!
oh, and Greg Kot was on 848 giving an interesting review of his new book on Wilco–and the predecessors. I’m not happy with Farrar–he just endorsed the wrong Smith in the MO-3 race.
From CBS2, via the Leader
He did something like that? Only a Republican.”
~ State Senate President Emil Jones [D-Chicago]
Jack! Rod McCulloch. Train Wrecks. What more could you want?
The Hotline pipes in:
Hit The Road Jack?
It’s not hard to find GOPers who believe Jack Ryan’s days as the IL SEN GOP nominee are numbered. The kinky allegations trump the facts that Ryan did get joint custody and it was his wife who admitted adultery. But thanks to Blair Hull, sealed files receive a whole new level of focus in IL.
— The drumbeat to drive Ryan out of the race is bound to get louder thanks to the tribal nature of the IL GOP. Plus, the local TV newscasts are wall-to-wall, and as we all learned during the Torricelli mess in ’02, once local TV weighs in, it’s usually over.
For those keeping track, this isn’t the end. Remember, there is a file out there that isn’t redacted–it was passed around Republican circles in the Spring. From the AP on June 18th:
When the public session resumed, Schnider said he had reconsidered his earlier inclination to unseal about a half dozen paragraphs contained in the documents.
Schnider said the sections contain “personal accusations” that don’t refer to the couple’s child or reveal any information about the child.
But he said he agreed with arguments made by the attorneys for both parents that “the publicity that would be generated would become known to the child and will have a significant deleterious effect on the child.”
In the earlier posts on McCulloch–back when he released a statement–I essentially said there were two choices:
Either he was telling the truth and should be viewed as a good Republican trying to save the Party
He was lying and passing around dirty tricks.
Option one was clearly true in this case–anyone who does a search on McCulloch in the back files should take the descriptions in that context–looking back they sound harsher on him than they should. The criticisms were in context of if the files weren’t true as were the compliments in context of the allegations being accurate as to what was in the file.
The Smoking Gun has the good parts