File Under: Life is rough
File Under: Life is rough all over
The Sun-Times offers up a tear jerker about affluent districts having to pinch pennies–er sort of.
Call It A Comeback
The Sun-Times offers up a tear jerker about affluent districts having to pinch pennies–er sort of.
The Des Moines Register reports Vilsack is opening up a lead.
The Sun-Times does a good job covering the details of the Cruz case and how it relates to Jim Ryan and Birkett.
While I’m happy to make fun of the Illinois Circular Firing Squad Team, the particular slate put up this year is disturbing in relation to their actions in the Cruz case.
A goo-goo with a good column on a recent report by Brookings on hiring of appointees.
The Times does a good job describing the historical patterns of air pollution. It is a good rejoinder to the more chicken-little approaches to environmental regulation on both sides. However, it also demonstrates the remarkable effectiveness of government regulation.
The NY Times has a good article on Morella and the future of the Republican Party. The Democratic Party is largely run from the center. Partisans can dispute this, but comparing the leadership (especially with Bonior gone) demonstrates the difference. One of the larger problems in the Republican Party is no one doing anything about the problem as many in the 80s did in the Democratic Party. Boehlerts, Shays, Leach and others exist, but there is no corresponding DLC. Adding to the thesis of the Emerging Democratic Majority, this bodes poorly for Republicans in the long run. Not only are they moving away from the center, they aren’t doing anything to moderate themselves.
Order up some special ed classes for these morons.
For an publication based in University City, the River Front Times is an especially poorly named publication. But they have discovered the secret to John Ashcroft.
Actions by the FEC. Could Dubya be that bold? Can you say 3rd Party Challenge!
Trial Lawyers are one of the most influential lobbies within the Democratic Party. Thus, Dems do bad with doctors compared to other professionals because of doctors’ desire for tort reform. This is sort of a universal maxim for the parties, except when the ICFST is in place . First the teachers’ union, then the retailers and now the docs. Ryan did get the Chamber of Commmerce though!