18 of 20 Charges Reached Unanimously

While I don’t assume anything at this point, that can’t be a good thing for Rod.

0 thoughts on “18 of 20 Charges Reached Unanimously”
  1. Had the jury reached a not guilty on 18 counts they probably would have gone ahead with a not guilty on what was left. I would think there are guiltys and a few not guiltys.

    FYI I have been wrong on so much with respect to the two juries that evn I don’t believe myself anymore

    FYFI—I will be on WICS Springfiled commenting on the verdicts at 5 and perhaps 6.

  2. Another point indicating guilty on some— the jury probably had a decision on Thursday but took the weekend to think it over. Then this morning they confirmed it and told the judge. If the verdict was not guilty on Thursday they would not have mulled it over the weekend. They would have finished and gone home.

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