The Book Deal for The Governor

Via Rich:

I admit, I’ll buy it.  I have a thing for train wrecks:

(PRNewsChannel) / Chicago, Ill. / Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich today signed a six figure book deal with one of the largest independent book publishers in the U.S., the PR firm representing Blagojevich announced today.Blagojevich, who vehemently denies he tried to sell President Obama’s senate seat, will write about the discussions, the considerations and the factors involved in picking Obama’s successor to the U.S. Senate.  Blagojevich maintains he was hijacked from office because of politics. In the book, he will write about his journey that led up to the twice-elected governor and former congressman being ousted from office.  He also plans on exposing the dark side of politics that he witnessed in both the state and national level.

Phoenix Books is run by maverick publisher Michael Viner whose titles include books from celebrities like mega-rock star and businessman Gene Simmons and talk show host Larry King. Phoenix also has a large selection of popular fiction and intriguing mystery books.

“The governor chose to go with a large independent company because he wanted to tell his story without any restrictions over content that might’ve come with a major publishing house,” says Glenn Selig, Blagojevich’s publicist and founder of The Publicity Agency. “He simply did not want to accept constraints or conditions on what he could say in this book.”

Selig says the governor will tell the American public the truth about what happened.  He does not intend to pull any punches and will reveal information and provide insights that will at times be embarrassing to himself as well as to others.

“There were some people in high places who didn’t want the governor to write this book and worked to try to squash a book deal,” says Selig.

The terms of the book deal were not disclosed. The book, which has a working title of “The Governor,” is set to be released by Phoenix Books in October.

The literary agent of record is Jarred Weisfeld of Objective Entertainment.

Only Blagojevich could find the former agent to Old Dirty Bastard to be his literary agent.  :

Jarred Weisfeld started his career as a Production Assistant for Vh1, where he pitched and sold a show to rap sensation Ol Dirty Bastard and subsequently became ODB’s manager. From there he created and produced television shows for Vh1, MTV, Spike TV and Nickelodeon. Upon launching his distribution company 845 Entertainment, he executive produced records for Bizzy Bone, Bone Crusher, Trina, Trick Daddy, Lil’ J, Choppa, 3-D, and Pastor Troy.

Apparently he sold the show before approaching ODB.

Weisfeld sold Vh1 a show on Ol Dirty Bastard while working there as a PA. He convinced Vh1 that he knew the rapper when he didn’t and sold them the show. He then went to visit ODB in prison where he pitched him the show.

That should be quite the team. Phoenix Books does a lot of audio books so I think we can count on Rod doing the audio book which’ll certainly be entertaining.

0 thoughts on “The Book Deal for The Governor”
  1. Very disappointed in the working title.

    I prefer F—ing Golden! The Rod Balgojevich Story

    Was it Zola who wrote from prison?

    If I were Rod I might push up that publication date.

    Orange jump suits do not make for great book tours.

  2. Raivo Pommer
    Spanische Banken

    Die Erste Bank hat überraschend einen neuen Großaktionär aus Spanien bekommen. Die größte spanische Sparkasse, Criteria CaixaCorp, teilte am Montag bei einer Pressekonferenz in Barcelona mit, dass sie über die Börse 4,9 Prozent der Erste-Aktien erworben hat. Die Zukäufe seien schon im Vorjahr erfolgt, sagte Criteria-Chef Ricardo Forensa. Den Kaufpreis bezifferte der Banker mit 628 Mio. Euro.

    Die Spanier dürften damit durchschnittlich zwischen 35 und 40 Euro pro Aktie hingelegt haben. Inzwischen ist der Kurs der Erste Bank an der Börse eingebrochen. Am Montagnachmittag kostete das Papier 7,46 Euro

  3. I hear Roland Burris for Roland Burris the Trail Blazer will be writing the “monumental” forward.

    Then the Roland Burrises for “We are the Junior Senator” Roland Burris will be writing the afterward.

    Rumor has it that Roland Burris for Roland Burris will even try to sell copies.

    Should be a best-cellar.

  4. First, das Teil auf Deutsch is total Scheisse and du kanst es einfach weg losen.

    Second, can you imagine the ad buys for Burris? I mean, he’s already gone ‘Calfornian’ hiring the web developers from San Diego for his ‘re-election’ website.

    Just imagine the kind of TV commercials he’s going to visit on our poor state: Scenes of Burris in Iraq amid the hustle and bustle of an open-air market, scenes of Burris chatting with Vladimir Putin, Burris piloting an F15, Burris riding on an Elephant, bringing in the harvest. And then: “It’s Morning in America. Vote Roland Burris for Illinois.”

    It’s time to move to Indiana.

  5. Not quite on topic, but: last night I was watching a syndicated rerun of The Office, and Michael was giving a speech about how he was not resigning after a shipment of paper with an obscene watermark went out. Watch the clip, and tell me that Michael wasn’t channeling Blagojevich.

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