I don’t do endorsements so much anymore–pretty much everyone knows where and why I stand where I do.
I haven’t talked much about Con-Con, however so I figured I’d chime in even though most who read the blog have probably already voted.
I don’t think Con-Con will change much–as I think the best way to fix the Illinois political scene is to alter the political fundraising laws. That said, a Constitutional Convention can be a very positive step for Ilinois and the arguments against it are pretty much silly. Nothing that is proposed at the Convention can pass without a vote of the people of Illinois so any radical idea won’t fly.
What might fly? Getting rid of the flat income tax and allowing a graduated income tax. You know, progressive taxation. That alone is a good reason to vote for it.
Beyond that, I expect the best we would get is some tinkering and perhaps some clarifying language on amendatory vetoes and JCAR which could be very helpful.