Yearly Kos—The Welcome Event

People for the American Way Midwest are holding a welcome event for those attending Yearly Kos on Wednesday, August 1st.  I’m on the host committee so come and meet me and several people who are actually cool.

3 thoughts on “Yearly Kos—The Welcome Event”
  1. I am going to try my best to come to the event! I have to hang out with a bunch of Catholic priests and nuns (don’t ask) a bit before that and it might last longer that expected.

  2. I would love to come, but I’ll be too far away to make it on time, I think. I’m going to be stuck all the way out in buffalo grove for work, by the time I drive home, It’ll be 6:30-7 already. Shit.

    I wanted to meet some of those cool people. Maybe I can crash the party if I can make it there before 8? Or perhaps there will be an after party with some of the cooler people?

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