It’s really annoying and he’s a giant poseur. Being a white guy doesn’t entitle one to wax rhapsodic about the heartland. Jackass.
Call It A Comeback
It’s really annoying and he’s a giant poseur. Being a white guy doesn’t entitle one to wax rhapsodic about the heartland. Jackass.
Can’t spell Kass without ass.
That must be the sole property of a proud black woman – like all the characters in Willa Cather, Edna Ferber and such.
Good thing you chaps are not driving this wagon train, there’d be a bunch of drowned Swedes in the St. Lawrence Seaway.
BTW – how’s the Palin Death Watch working out for you Archie? Big coin wagered or pinkie bets?
Coming from what was a small town I don’t need jackasses from a city telling me what it’s like. For a guy who is worried about condescending to the little people, he might try not condescending to the little people
Hey! Pat Hickey is in the house! And he’s brought his collection of cryptic asides and non-sequiturs!
Stick to what you do — those Leo Lions need you more than does John McCain.
Morning Jon & Arch,
Matter of fact, I only tagged your fine site with my smeary prose, because Robin spoke my thoughts – tell him to stay out of there, it’s dangerous for little ones with graphic imaginations – dusty too.
Johnny Mac will be fine. As for the Leo Lions – we have a huge offesive line this year, quick too; however, in the Chicago Catholic League every game one is up against Sarah Palin.
Kass, is Ok. Shucks, all of us close-knit, tribal ethnic Drugstore Cowboys love agrarian America! Biscuits and Gravy at Blues Cafe; walking bean; poaching Catfish with Linco Bleach bottles; drinking long-necks at the VFW; going railing on the abandoned grain RR lines; cruising the square with all the cool kids!
Remember, all of you craven Rural sophistcates, us neighborhoods is small towns too! See, mugs? Even at Turdy -Turd and Da Tracks.
BTW- is the Sun Times run by Jimmy the Two-Headed Boy, or what?
As a native of turdy-turd and da tracks, I can’t help but laugh at that. I imagine your posts being voiced-over by Jimmy Durante, all spoken so fast that I don’t have time to ask what the hell you just said.
As for the Sun-Times, more people will see their aggrandizing headline of Mrs. Palin than will read the relatively accurate editorial you’re so displeased with.
Truly, Brother, Truly! STNG is all about the quarters -now three of them and not worth a plugged nickle. I miss newspapers. Dragged up in Bridgeport – my condolences. You, at least yanked the dishes out of the sinl before micturating in it – unlike your cousins further to the south.
Dusty up there indeed. Cobwebby too. Is that an echo we’re hearing? 😉
You can keep your Lions. I’ll stick with those Panthers of North. Not that you’d care much about the Land Beyond O’Hara unless it’s about your fave GOP stenographer to your northwest…