
Dear Larry,
I thought you would be interested in a copy of a new book by one of Chicago’s most tactful politicians.
Just in time for this year’s election season, we are releasing spirited Illinois State Senator Rickey “Hollywood” Hendon’s new book—BACKSTABBERS: THE REALITY OF POLITICS—that covers the nuts and bolts of political campaigns. As a 14-time election winner, he has an extensive insider’s perspective when he writes about the election process and how to organize and manage a successful campaign in his easy to follow book. It includes an introduction by N’DIGO founder Harmene Hartman.

A press release for the book is below. Review copies are available, as is Rickey Hendon for interviews.

Best regards,

363 West Erie Street, Chicago, IL 60654
On Facebook and Twitter too!



14-time election winner pulls no punches in his new book on how to organize and manage a successful political campaign

BACKSTABBERS: The Reality of Politics
Introduction by Hermene Hartman
July 2010 • Paper • 200pp. • $16.95 • 978-0-89733-602-4

Rickey Hendon is the illustrious Democratic state senator from Illinois’ fifth senatorial district—located on the west side of Chicago—who has served as assistant majority leader in that chamber for the last ten years. As a professional politician, political consultant and active campaign manager for numerous political contests, Hendon brings his considerable insider’s perspective to bear in this lively and informative book just in time for election season.

In Backstabbers, Hendon teaches the nuts and bolts of all aspects of political campaigns. It is the ultimate political handbook for winning elections; written by someone who practices what he preaches. Hendon has been an elected official since 1988 and has won an astounding 14 elections over his extensive career.

Hendon describes the petition process—getting on the ballot while knocking your opponent off—and details the different strategies for not only beating out the competition, but destroying it. He is a winner because of his people skills, his dedicated organization and his remarkable ability to motivate voters, and his book is sure to be a valuable resource to fans of politics and future politicians alike.

Senator RICKEY HENDON lives in Chicago and is the author of Black Enough/White Enough: The Obama Dilemma. He has also spent time as a film producer and actor.

0 thoughts on “Where to Begin”
  1. Does he describe the many races he has lost and the many losing candidates he has backed too ?

    Does he also speak to the state of Illinois grant money he directed to organizations under his control ?

  2. Does he also speak to the state of Illinois grant money he directed to organizations under his control ?

    If he does, it’s probably along the lines of, Ain’t politics grand?

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