When Bill Bradley visited here in 2000, he asked the crowd in Joe Edward’s Blueberry Hill what was their dream. My answer is intertwined with the man who set-up that event for Bill Bradley, Jeff Smith.

My dream is an America that includes all Americans whatever their race, their gender or their sexual orientation. My dream is an America that leads the world through moral suasion and not deception. My dream is an America that believes conserving our resources is an intergenerational contract and not a short term profit for the connected. My dream is an America where my daughters and wife have control of their own bodies. My dream is an America where our urban schools are incubators of hope and not wharehouses of despair. My dream is an America where health care is available to all, not just to those who are lucky.

If your dreams are similar, there is a way to help. The 1st quarter fundraising is coming to an end tomorrow. If you believe as I do, give to Jeff Smith today so he can remain competitive in a crowded field of competitors. He is the candidate who can best deliver our dreams of a progressive nation that seeks to build on our hope for the future and not the cynicism of making do. Donate today!

UPDATE: Justin points out after donating to Jeff give to Obama too. That is a good idea as well, but Jeff is facing a reporting deadline that will help to determine viability. So plan to do both!

4 thoughts on “What Is Your Dream?”
  1. And after you give to Jeff Smith, consider donating some of your hard-earned income — even a small amount makes a difference — to Mr. Obama via the ad to your right.

    — Justin

  2. Great Event, Great Candidate

    Jeff put together a great event for Bradley. But ArchPundit fails to mention the best part of the night:

    Bill Bradley is speaking to the audience, asking folks about their dreams. He asks a question and answers it, asks another and answers it, asks a third and…

    From the back, a cry is heard: “Bill Bradley for President!” The man then takes off his hat, the crowd cheers, and Bradley says “Chuck Berry, ladies and gentelmen.”

    Jeff Smith put together that event. Jeff’s a great candidate who inspires folks to take political action.

    A user on DailyKos recently noted that Jeff’s race is about “taking back the Democratic party.” Indeed. Please contribute to Jeff’s campaign and support a young progressive!

  3. Just as I was about to consider giving, someone has to go and trout out that trite phrase about “taking back the Democratic Party.”
    Way to alienate those of us who believe in moderation.
    But, then again, the Left wing of the Party has been so successfull in electing Presidents that I ought not complain and just let them steer the whole apparatus leftward. Remember the success of Mondale, Dukakis, McGovern.. oh yeah, those are the folks I want driving the Party.

  4. If the NRA is moderation, moderation is highly overrated. If moderation is taking away a woman’s right to choose, moderation is overrated. If moderation is promoting particular religions in schools, moderation is overrated. If moderation is not supporting civil rights for gays and lesbians, moderation is overrated. If moderation is gutting the Endangered Species Act, moderation is overrated.

    If moderation is seeking to include more public school choices, the Jeff is moderate. If moderation is running a balanced budget, Jeff is moderate. If moderation is seeking to get rid of subisides for fossil fuels and seeking to encourage alternative energy, Jeff is moderate.

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