While the comments at Capitol Fax are trying to attack Dan Hynes, here’s an interesting line from a Pantagraph Editorial on October 10, 2002
Illinois Comptroller Dan Hynes was written off by Republicans in late 2000 and the spring of 2001 when he visited newspaper editorial boards in city after city barking the same warning – Illinois was spending more than it was taking in and reserves were diminishing. “Politics,” was the usual response from Republicans who said Hynes was an aspiring politician just stirring up publicity because he planned to run for governor in 2002.
Well, 2002 is here. Hynes is not running for governor. And instead of talking about raking in $1.4 billion more than anticipated in revenues, the state is facing $1.7 million in debt.
Hynes has been doing this for years. Complaining that the guy who has the job of providing accurate financial outlooks for the state is continuing to offer accurate financial outlooks is a bit bizarre.