Martin Marty on Wright:

In the early 1960s, at a time when many young people were being radicalized by the Vietnam War, Wright left college and volunteered to join the United States Marine Corps. After three years as a marine, he chose to serve three more as a naval medical technician, during which time he received several White House commendations. He came to Chicago to study not long after Martin Luther King Jr.’s murder in 1968, the U.S. bombing campaign in Cambodia in 1969, and the shooting of students at Kent State University in 1970.

Read the whole thing as they say. I understand white fear of angry black men, but I don’t understand the refusal to look more deeply at ministry of a man who is so well regarded within the religious community.

0 thoughts on “Un-American My Ass”
  1. When Martin Marty, the leading American religious scholar living and quite possibly ever, defends a guy- it should be pretty much game over for that.

    Of course, it turns out Marty doesn’t have much cache with the kind of folks given to Wright-bashing. So the story, on its last legs will keep getting pressed desperately by those who need it to be.

  2. That’s just it. Wright has every right to be angry. Yet, too often the press has characterized his (justified!) anger as “hate” – which really isn’t fair. Thanks for posting this.

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