Okay, it’s snarky and such, but let me put it this way, these are three of the most important issues to me:
1) Children’s Health Care
2) Early Childhood Care and Education
3) Education Funding.
I’m not a particular fan of the Governor and I think the financing on this deal is stupid (and many others). However, he has plans in all three areas. I don’t think the education one goes far enough, but it’s a start. His ECC plan is a good idea. And I think All Kids is good though I’m still concerned about the funding.
Right now, Judy is still trying to unite her party and that’s reasonable, but for the general election there is nothing right now on her actual positions in these areas other than vaguely being against All Kids and calling the Governor’s plan a sham.
I think the financing is certainly problematic, but the programmatic end of his plan is a good start. I’m all for a good pile on of the Governor at times, but at some point it has to be pointed out that he’s had some really strong ideas–even with poor funding schemes. Judy wants to be fiscally responsible and it’s good she didn’t sign the no tax increase pledge, but that doesn’t tell anyone how she’ll fix the state’s financial problems and maintain important programs or offer reasonable alternatives in the mean time.
“Poor funding schemes”? Try “bankruptcy with no responsibility for the future.”
I think the right move right now for Judy is to sit back and see how the lottery thing plays out and wait until people are paying attention to put something forward.
If she reacts now with a plan, she looks like g-nad who tossed a plan out to keep Meeks out of the race.