When Earl first e-mailed me, several asked whether it was for real, so I confirmed it on Earl’s radio show. Below is the transcript with Don being me (I used a different name):
Earl: Don, welcome,
Don: Hey, what are all of these liars doing talking about you on the internet? I don’t get it.
Earl:Oh, they, well, What can you do?
Don:What, what did the guy say about you?
Earl: Oh he’s uhh…Oh, well, it’s a long story. But Earl got kind of liquored up the other night. A friend found, put my name in a search engine and found a website that was ripping us for our efforts to try to reform the Saint Louis Public Schools. And I think I had just about had enough of that. So I wrote him a real poignant e-mail and I probably used the n-word about maybe twenty times to many times. Anyway, uh, they (hassled) me since. That doesn’t bother me. I don’t care, I’m used to that stuff. I, you know, on hang up calls, that kind of stuff doesn’t matter. (Unintelligible keeps deleting it. just Ladue)
Don: What what, what what are they saying about you, I don’t get it.
Earl: Well, It’s just that I used all this bad language and, I, and I said some very unflattering things to them, what I thought about them. And, uh, I was stupid enough to, uh, put my home telephone number on there too. and uh
Don: Ohhhh
Earl: And I, uh dared them to print, to, to put the letter on the web page which they apparently have. So, (nervous laughter)I have quite a following now.
Don: All right
Earl: Yeah, well anyway. I didn’t pull any punches, baby. I guess you could say I called a Spade a Spade.
Second guy: Don’t call him (something) Earl for nothing
Don: All right, I was just curious.
Earl: All right, thanks Don, I appreciate it.