The Pursuit Of Happiness isn’t Good Enough for Bush and Crew

Steve Chapman has been writing some of the better work against the war. While I disagree with him, he has clear principles and makes a strong case. Of course, if we continue the path towards Syria, I’ll soon be on the same side as Chapman. On Sunday, he address the fundamental problem that accompanies routine military intervention. Americans will no longer be able to pursue happiness because they will have the burden of reconstructing a significant portion of the world.

As someone who grew up opposing US action in Latin America, my general impulse has been to first target our support of oppressive regimes. Before pointing the fingers at others, point the finger where our dollars do the damage. After we stop doing that, we can move on to others, though I would argue war is seldom the answer.

Iraq was justified primarily for the reason that Saddam and his regime were a threat to US interests. The case was strengthened by his gross violations of human rights. But human rights are not a reason alone to invade a country, especially when our hands are not clean. Let’s move on to pursuing happiness and not hindering the pursuit of happiness in other countries.

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