The Original Dean’s Dozen

Cegelis was down by $5,000 for her goal of $50,000 by tomorrow’s end of quarter deadline. It appears this post on Daily Kos has shot past that number. In total, Act Blue contributions have accounted for $30,000 to her campaign already. According to this post, she blew past the $5,000 today and it keeps going. You can donate through ACT Blue down below to Christine (or her opponent in the primary, Peter O’Malley). While I’m not taking a position for now, that’s some impressive work by the Cegelis campaign.

I can’t wait for this round of reports. It should be very interesting in several races.

Of course, I’m not done, another original member of Dean’s Dozen is running again–this time for State Senate in Missouri–Jeff Smith is running for an Missouri Senate seat that will be open in 2006. Jeff considered running in the primary for the 3rd Congressional District, but primarying a Democrat in these times seemed counterproductive and the political situation in Missouri has become far worse with the Boy Blunder Matt Blunt knocking 100,000 people off of Medicaid–100,000 people who are almost all employed, children or the disabled. Boy Blunder also attempted to terminate the First Steps program that assists families with developmentally delayed children. Leadership to fight this outright attack on the most vulnerable in our society is critical. And for that reason I ask you to go to Jeff Smith’s web site and make a donation before Thursday night at midnight

Jeff’s a personal friend of mine and this time we’re gonna win.

2 thoughts on “The Original Dean’s Dozen”
  1. She hired Obama’s fundraiser and made a serious committment, so it doesn’t surprise me that she hit her goal, but I’m glad to see that Kos helped put her over the top.

  2. Arch:

    Glad to hear that Jeff Smith is going to run again. His ads were perhaps the best political spots I saw in the STL market last year.

    The marching band backround music I still instantly recall. For a Republican in Illinois to remember the ad more than a year later, it must have made an impression.

    He should have beaten Carnahan. He seemed a much better candidate. If Carnahan’s family had a little less name ID, Jeff would be a Congressman right now. He was certainly more deserving based off of the great campaign he ran.

    I don’t think I agree with him on really any of the important issues, but I’ll root for him based off of the quality of his candidacy.

    Good Luck!

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