The Logistics of Getting on the Ballot Now

“New Parties” Must submit petitions gathered between March 28th and June 26th (Last day to file) to get on the ballot. If Meeks were to attempt a run, he’d have to gather about 25,000 signatures plus extras to avoid challenges. He can do that and do it relatively easily, but my guess is he’s willing to bargain–the question being will Rod be willing to negotiate enough to satisfy him–are there ways to make Meeks happy if not.

The real question though is whether Meeks is really going to only hurt Blagojevich. Given Meeks is to the right of both on social issues, does he take a huge chunk of religious voters as a minister? Or does it only come from African-Americans?

Does splintering the vote lead to more people getting in? Oh, the irony if Roeser were to back some clown.

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