We got our priorities straight, yes we do, let’s attack pornography while fighting a war against terrorism. Hell, let’s be like the extremists we are fighting and worry a lot about what people do in the private lives!

For a second, I thought maybe Ashcroft hadn’t completely lost his mind (not that he ever had one) and was going after child porn-a worthy endeavor. Or maybe the organized crime connections to the porn industry.


"Today’s indictment marks an important step in the Department of Justice’s strategy for attacking the proliferation of adult obscenity," Ashcroft said. The department will "continue to focus our efforts on targeted obscenity prosecutions that will deter others from producing and distributing obscene material."

I have an idea for a sex toy that I’m making widely available today to anyone who wants to make it–and you don’t have to credit me or pay royalities—a big old dildo named Ashcroft.

The only other upside the great satire it brings. Royko wrote one of his finest columns on if pornography is so bad, why isn’t anyone watching the members of the Meese Commission who watched so much of it to come to their conclusions? huh?

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