Matt Yglesias points out that some of the social conservatives are unhappy with Bush over not supporting Santorum for his anti-gay comments and some are threatening to bolt.
Matt doesn’t think they have anywhere to go, but Jacob Levy makes an interesting observation in the comments:
The loony U.S. Taxpayers’ Party is always lurking out there– despite its libertarianish name, it’s a Reconstructionist Christian outfit. They almost managed to recruit the equally loony then- Senator Bob Smith to head their ticket in 2000. As with the pre-1999 Greens (or, for that matter, the pre-implosion Reform Party), they’re just big enough to be worth taking over (from the perspective of a Nader-like outsider who wants ballot access and a party structure) and small enough that a friendly takeover would be very, very easy.
I’m not sure that is likely, but it is a good point. The US Taxpayer Party is now the Constitution Party and is full of fruit cakes. They held their convention here in Saint Louis in 1999 and I had the ironic pleasure of being stuck on Metrolink with a few of them on the way downtown. They thought Metrolink was great. Irony is truly dead.
They are wingnuts of the umpteenth order however. They would make a great home to the more extreme social conservatives. I’m not sure that Dobson isn’t just pushing the administration, but you never know when one of them will jump ship.