I don’t do these often, but I found this kind of interesting:

Your Linguistic Profile:

70% General American English
10% Dixie
10% Upper Midwestern
5% Midwestern
5% Yankee

I grew up in Central Illinois, but spent many summers in Georgia with my Dad who worked for Lockheed and Martin Marietta there. The legacy of both continues. Of course, I’ll be heading to Greene County for the weekend with the relatives where pop is soda.

2 thoughts on “Speaking of Speaking”
  1. Weird man, I got:

    50% General American English
    30% Yankee
    15% Dixie
    5% Upper Midwestern
    0% Midwestern

    And I’ve spent almost no time in Dixie. Grew up in Central IL.

  2. I’ll go with weird as well. I grew up in Chicago, spent no time in the East, spent about three years in the South (by that I mean Franklin County, Illinois!) and I get:

    65% General American English
    25% Yankee
    10% Upper Midwest
    0% Dixie
    0% Midwest

    25% Yankee?!! You can’t get there from here!

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