Sorry Joshua, but Schakowsky is out

Lynn Sweet reports that Schakowsky is not going to run for Fitzgerald’s Senate seat in 2004.

I don’t find this particularly surprising. She is far more influential in liberal circles outside of Illinois than in it. She is bright and smart, but also has no machine support and is primarily alligned with the Goo-Goo factions that produce such candidates as Dawn Clark-Netsch. If you don’t know who DCN is, this is my point. If you do, you understand. Being alligned with the angels isn’t that useful unless those are the ballot stuffing angels. Without significant organizational support she would have run into the buzz saws of the Democratic competing machines. To run that down:

Obama-Jackson and Jackson Jr
Hull–presumably G-Rod and Dick Mell and probably Guitierrez
Hynes–well, Hynes and probably Daley, though noise has been made that Daley may support Hull. Go down for an explanation of why this is unlikely
Moseley-Braun-independent, but significant African-American voting blocks…but see Obama
Chico–tried for Hispanics, now twisting in the wind.
Pappas–has own operation in Cook and wide ties.

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