Before deciding to use a #hashtag as a part of your effort–search it first. For example #thanksinadvance
Don’t take your life over anything I say and don’t take anybody else’s neither. #thanksINadvance
Dear God, help me be a better person, better father, a better friend, a better lover, a better son. Help me be a better me. #ThanksInAdvance
“@DBELL_: Lets go #Bulls 61% from the field”so let me know the final score #thanksinadvance ????????
Y’all record the talent show I’m at work.. #thanksinadvance
Plz tell him lose my # it’s been over a yr & 1/2 now and he still blows my phone up .Im tired of blocking all those numbers #thanksinadvance
Someone bring me food. Any kind of food. Mexican food. Zaxbys food. Whatever kind of food. #tweetedlocation #thanksinadvance
When ur speaking all I ask is that u TALK UP !!cause I can’t hear u … #ThanksInAdvance ????
Text the address #ThanksInAdvance RT @Mz_P0puLaR: Should make a big Sunday Dinner tonight
If someone could kindly go and remove the sand from formby beach before tomorrow morning i would be very greatful. #thanksinadvance
Do you mind if I smoke while you eat? #thanksinadvance