Roland’s Consistency

Is how Illinois voters don’t like him:

5* Should Roland Burris run for re-election to the Senate in 2010?
13% Yes
74% No
13% Not sure

6* How likely is it that Roland Burris will be reelected as senator if he runs for re-election?
7% Very likely
14% Somewhat likely
35% Not very likely
40% Not at all likely
3% Not sure

7* If Burris runs for re-election to the United States Senate, would you definitely vote for him, definitely vote against him, or would it depend upon who was running against him?
6% Definitely vote for him
61% Definitely vote against him
32% It would depend on who was running against him
1% Not sure


11* To win his appointment to the United States Senate, how likely is it that Roland Burris was involved in unethical pay to play politics?
50% Very likely
27% Somewhat likely
9% Not very likely
2% Not at all likely
12% Not sure

Progress Illinois has the funniest quote in a while:

From the department of dubious claims … On Ray Hanania’s WJJG radio show this morning, Delmarie Cobb, adviser to Sen. Roland Burris, said that she “jokes with Roland that he has made Dick Durbin a better senator than he ever was.” She also asserted that Durbin “is so busy trying to show Roland up that he is suddenly running all over town at ribbon-cuttings and groundbreakings.” Hanania asked in response, “Is it really him leveraging Roland’s problems to make himself look better?” “Oh, that’s exactly what it is,” Cobb responded. Listen (full audio here):


Roland Burris has never been known for a strong work ethic.  He was ambitious and such, but his actual work at governance has been mediocre at best.  If this is Roland’s primary advisor, he really will make a fool of himself and try to run for election.

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