Reclaim democracy one pint at a time,

Reclaim democracy one pint at a time,
as we speak up, stand up, and lift up our glasses
at our weekly Democratic drinking club.

Drinking Liberally Chicago
Promoting democracy one pint at a time

Each and Every Wednesday Night @ 8:30 pm
The Red Lion, 2446 N. Lincoln
Just around the corner from the Fullerton L Stop

Come join fellow progressives and find out what
Newsweek, Atrios, and 50+ other DL Clubs across the country
Have all been talking about!

All you need to do is show up and drink!

Also, join us this Sunday for the first meeting of the 2020 Democrats
Chicago Book Group

Our first selection is:

Don’t Think of an Elephant: Know Your Values and Frame the Debate
by George Lakoff

Its short, 119 pages, but packed with useful food for thought.

We’ll hash it all out Sunday, March 20th at 4:00pm
at the Red Lion, 2446 N. Lincoln Avenue.
First floor, in the back.

RSVP to Katheryn Hayes at

Til then!

?with Reading Liberally Chicago

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