Damn….as I so often like to report the most violent protests in Bloomington/Normal to my memory are the 1984 Cubs winning the Division “celebration” and the fights after new rules on college parties were put into place. But who wants to be that a bunch of people will get their panties in a bunch over peaceful demonstrations that simply call for sanity in our immigration policy?
The reality is that Americans live off the cheap labor of undocumented workers. If you want to put a quick stop to that, punish the people paying them. No? I thought so. Think about it while standing in line after a night of drinking at La Bamba (the only place I’m aware of in Bloomington to ever be cited for hiring undocumented workers)
Then it’s time to think about how to allow them to earn citizenship and attempt to move more of the underground workers above ground and legitimate for their protection and ours. The debate is horribly skewed ignoring basic issues such as how to allow families to stay together when some are working in the United States and dealing with very basic human issues and instead concentrating upon the paranoid fantasies about the brown hordes over at the Eagle Forum.
Making it a felony to be in the country without the proper documents raises all sorts of issues related to the gross incompetence of the immigration services–which many a student and professor have been technically undocumented for a time. Are we ready to make admissions and foreign student office employees felons as well? Are we ready to make Catholic Charities employees felons because they help a family in need?
This is what we are seriously talking about doing. We need labor and they need jobs, let’s create a system that matches the two together and increases our security.
Of course, driving through the Hill here in St. Louis I thought I’d driven into a protest by Latinos the other day, then I realized I just had my colors switched. Those bastards were flying Italian flags. How dare they? Why won’t they just assimilate?
I think almost everyone would’ve gone for the compromise in the Senate. It’s a shame it didn’t go through. The Republicans are really shooting themselves in the foot on this one.
Why does the media continue to allow the right-wing (ie, Minutemen, racists, etc) to claim that these demonstrators are excercising “rights they don’t have” (implying that all the demonstrators are illegal aliens).
Umm, correct me if I’m wrong but most of the people marching across the country ARE United States citizens who think the GOP plans are trash.
Why won’t the right-wing admit that?