has done a great job trying to handle the traffic over the last couple days. The reaction to Earl has been far greater than I thought, but Blogstudio has done a fantastic job keeping the site up given the difference between usual traffic and traffic over the last couple days.
If you are looking for a blogging service that is extremely easy to use or a hosting service think about them. They are inexpensive and do a fantastic job.
As many of you may know, I am moving to TypePad soon. It isn’t due to inadequate services as much as
1) white supremacists or other nutjobs who seem to swamp the service
2) I’m in the middle of service levels—I want both a lot of flexibility and easy use. Typepad provides that. However, Blogstudio provides easy use, hosting for the very advanced, inexpensive service, and a high tolerance for those who attract nutjobs. My problem comes in I don’t want to set up my own site, but I do want to control comments and other issues. For the vast majority of bloggers who don’t attract the Earl Holt’s of the world, Blogstudio would be great for you. And they are very price competitive.