Falafal Boy is attacking blogs tonight

AUTHOR BERNARD GOLDBERG: There are some conservatives on the list [?100 People Who Are Screwing Up America?], but there are mostly liberals. And when they could write unanimously on the Web, you know, a review or post.

O?REILLY: Blogs. I don?t even read them. I mean, it?s so outrageous.

GOLDBERG: It?s beyond ? it?s beyond vile.

O?REILLY: Let?s go to the ? look, that?s just a waste of time. You shouldn?t even read it. It?s garbage. Nobody cares about it. Everybody knows the simpletons who are doing it are cowards and they don?t have any influence. [7/18/05]

Hey Bill—SHUT UP!

3 thoughts on “Pretty typical for Fox”
  1. Bill’s full of it, as usual. He’s just jealous because he can’t write, can’t act, and looks like he just came from an embalmer. Which is where his ugly politics belong.

    He’s living proof that those who can’t do anything good work for “Fair and Balanced.”

  2. I just have to laugh when that moron opens his mouth. He has no clue about life, all he can do is parrot what TPTB want.

    If he had an original thought, it’d be seriously lonely.

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