Eric Zorn joins the pile on of Carol Moseley Braun which I gladly contributed to when she was thinking of getting in the Illinois Senate Race, he writes
"When (Carol Moseley) Braun announced her exploratory campaign in February, she said she wanted to learn whether there was widespread support for her stand as a `peace dove and budget hawk,’" writes Dan Mihalopolous in the Trib today.
If she read any of the many polls –where she’s never shown more than single-digit support — she’d have learned that she’s never placed higher than 5th in the crowded field (and that was before Gen. Wesley Clark was a factor).
And if she read her campaign finance statements, as Mihalopolous reported, she’d have seen she’d raised only $217,000, "less than all other candidates except activist Al Sharpton."
Widespread support? Voter enthusiasm for CMB is nearly undetectable. Yet she has swung into actual-campaign mode. So much for her powers of discernment.
I’m pretty sure it was clearly established she had no power of discernment when in reference to the brutal Nigerian dictator Abacha, she said he was a "longtime fighter for human rights." Maybe I’m just picky though.