Pete Giangreco must be laughing at Me

Rauschenberger says teaching intelligent design in public schools might be a good thing.

Okay, just send me the Reelect the Blagorgeous sticker.

Let me point out that if the state or local science curriculum is revamped to include non-biological crap, universities will have to consider whether to accept those students’ biology credits. That was one of the things that got many in Kansas quite upset.

Via Rich

4 thoughts on “Pete Giangreco must be laughing at Me”
  1. C-Span taped an AEI debate on ID vs. evolution and it was fascinating. These were two PhD biologists from elite schools going at it. They both had debated the issue, knew and liked one another, and really provided strong insights. Apparently, the ID team is trying to develop and test hypotheses and the evolutionary biologists admits there are limits to what we know. It was both entertaining and informative — although deep.

    Whether that kind of conflict is appropriate for the classroom or not isn’t something I’m interested in, but that I wouldn’t have a problem with that particular debate being viewed.

    That kind of event makes Steve’s comments far less threatening.

  2. even if Blago gets re-elected, isn’t it possible that he is gonna be a drag on the rest of the ticket, especially for downstate races where the Dems could add to their majority?

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