Paranoid Coke Addict Jerks Media Around

Hysterical from Breitbart:

You tell me as a reporter how CNN put on a person today who purported to be the farmer’s wife? What did you do to find out whether or not that was the actual farmer’s wife? I mean, if you’re going to accuse me of a falsehood, tell me where you’ve confirmed that had this incident happened 24 years ago. […]

You’re going off of her word that the farmer’s wife is the farmer’s wife?

Just from public appearances and utterances, it’s friggen’ clear that Andrew Breitbart needs prescribed medication, a good rehab program, and 12 step program.  Why does the press let him jerk them around?

0 thoughts on “Paranoid Coke Addict Jerks Media Around”
  1. Indeed, why do the press continue to seek comment and thoughts from individuals who repeatedly get things wrong and do so in a way that clearly establishes they are unprofessional in what they do? The list is endless and you can see them each night on FOX, CNN and MSNBC. That is why I watch less and less.

  2. Gotta take issue with the criticism of CNN and MSNBC there Stuart. While I may not appreciate their perspective from time to time, at least in this case, they were willing to say that they were or were not duped (and some were not) while FOX continued to broadcast loud and clear that what Breitbart Squarepants did was break a real story i>, and if somebody has a problem with that, well, that’s why the liberal media can’t be trusted with the truth. But this means that while CNN and MSNBC need to apologize for falling to the standards of FOX news, FOX needs doesn’t need to apologize since it never tried to be news anyway. Case in point is the headline at as I type: Agriculture secretary says he is offering Shirley Sherrod a unique new position at the department after forcing her to resign over a video clip that showed her making racial remarks at an NAACP event. Not wrong, just Right, that’s FOX.

  3. You miss my point. CNN and MSNBC may have apologized but next week they will do the exact same thing when Breitbart or one of his ilk make another charge. MSNBC continues to employ commentators who make outrageous unfounded accusations bordering on lies. CNN does likewise.

    Can you name any other business that continues to employ people with track records of negligence and malfeasance as do news outlets?

    No law firm, hospital or business would continued to allow employees with records such as these folks to continue to work. Why should networks?

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