I’ve been rooting for McBride

I’ve been rooting for McBride for some time. Right after Pete Peterson said he wouldn’t make the race after the terrorist attacks a year ago and McBride got in, I thought he would be a good candidate. However, it appears that I might have my cake and eat it too.

Oh, Jeb is running a commercial bragging that he got a stop light placed near a high school. Admittedly, the US political system focuses on casework, but one of the Big 4 governors thinks that is going to get him votes?

I had hope. This dashed

I had hope. This dashed it. This is shorter than his average blog entry and it appears from reading the entire article he is criticizing, that Mary McGrory is primarily guilty of poor writing. She seems to be referring to domestic oppression, but without any transitions from one part of the article to the other the distinction is blurred.

This is a waste of bandwidth. Sullivan has great things to say on some subjects such as diversity and the Catholic Church.

The Trib did right. And

The Trib did right. And I think this is the key point:

“I simply don’t think that a newspaper can sanction that kind of behavior,” said Rich Oppel, editor of the Austin American-Statesman. “It’s a conflict of interest when you have a close personal relationship with the subject of an article. It’s the same as if you were to have a financial relationship with the subject of a story or some other close relationship.”