The System Works II Who

The System Works II

Who will the Trib endorse after the endless series of articles and editorials on the Death Penalty in Illinois?

J-Ry and Birkett as they seem to be leaning towards? Or Blago and Madigan? Blago and Madigan are far from perfect. Rich Miller has a good discussion of Blago’s problems on the Capitol Fax:

STATEWIDE STUFF Is Rod Blagojevich stupid or corrupt? Or was it the arrogance of a sure-winner that convinced him to move a million dollars of campaign money into a southern Illinois bank owned by the husband of State Board of Elections member just days before a vote on whether the board would proceed on an investigation of his campaign? After all, the board eventually voted 8-0 in his favor, and the action was widely expected.

If Blago is elected and he continues doing this sort of thing, he’s gonna have a long and uncomfortable four years in office. And it will just be only four years. He obviously has no internal moral compass, so he’d better keep someone close to him who does.

And Wanda Rednour, the SBE board member who had Blago over to her house for dinner where her husband broached the funds transfer, ought to resign immediately.

But Blago and Madigan haven’t overseen the capital prosecution of an innocent man and refused to take responsibility. Birkett and J-Ry have refused.

That is a stab and

That is a stab and twist for Mr. Torch

Josh Marshall notes the intense dislike for the Torch. You live by hardball, you die by hardball. Torch is getting nothing more than he deserved. Perhaps I should send my Claritin bills to him since he extended the patent with my former home state twit, John Aschcroft.

He was, errrrrr…is arrogant, obnoxious and everything Democrats say they hate in the form of a Democrat. Save Jennifer Harbury, he should be remembered as a cautionary tale.

More Torch Dousing Report here

More Torch Dousing

Report here sounds positive, and possible replacements including Menendez, who could mount a quick and successful challenge.

This story indidcates that Torch might have to resign to get someone else on the ballot. Will he eat his pride for the party? One can hope.

Counterspin Central claims this is bad for the Dems. I respectfully disagree. Torch is going to lose anyway, and if he can figure out a way to bow out and get someone else on the ballot, the Dems do better. The best choice is Menendez for the long term benefit of the Democratic Party, or Lautenberg to simply rub Torch’s arrogance in his own face. He once told Lautenberg he (Torch) would cut his (Lautenberg’s) balls off. Lautenberg would probably start off with name recognition greater than Forrester and have a good shot this late in the game.

The last good thing Torch did was to support Jennifer Harbury. Other than that he is a wholly owned subsidiary of drug companies.

For those who don’t remember the many faults of Torch, he tried to push McGreevey out of the way for the 2001 Governor’s race. He was cocky and arrogant and started telling local chairman to make way for him. They shot back that McGreevey had worked his ass off since his loss to Whitman in ’97 and they wouldn’t leave him. Bully for them. Now bring on Lautenberg or Menendez.

Update 2:
NPR is reporting he may resign–meaning he is thinking of who to get on the ballot.