But will you enjoy your

But will you enjoy your crow later?

Instapundit thinks the Maryland/Virginia shootings are terrorism being covered up. So when you eat the crow later, how would you and Mr. Quick like to have it served?

What is it about people refusing to believe that an American is capable of such an act? This has Soldier of Fortune fruitcake written all over it. But a good white American boy couldn’t do something like this, could they? So we are going to pretend it is Arab Terrorism and dismiss the possibility that our culture could produce something like this. For a group of bloggers, who are represented by these two, who insist anti-war advocates are putting their head in the sand, I’d say they need to get their heads out of their asses.

Redistricting Illinois Style Illinois Issues

Redistricting Illinois Style

Illinois Issues has a good story on the impact of redistricting on the Illinois Senate. A must read primer for the election. Even Rauschenberger is seriously challenged. While I’d like to see a Dem Senate, Raurschenberger is a serious guy on budget issues and it would be a shame to lose him. Kinda check on the system kinda guy.

Same issue, has a rundown

The interesting thing is how on the defensive the ICFST is. There is virtually no mention of targeted pick ups or contested seats except for defensive slots. It would appear, from the Republican side, that reallignment is close to done and that means a strong Dem position for a while.

Homophobic? Yes. Juvenile? Definitely The

Homophobic? Yes. Juvenile? Definitely

The story about Jeb making cracks about two lesbians related to a missing girl has been claimed to be evidence that Jeb is homophobic. Sure he is. Andy Sullivan claims not, but well, that is Andrew Sullvan. It is a homophobic remark. No surprise. The surprise is how juvenile the comment is. I guess the adults being back in charge means Governors get to act like 6th graders.

J-Ry does the Hail Mary

J-Ry does the Hail Mary

Rich Miller says J-Ry is going negative. The problem is he is so far behind, it will only drive down overall turnout and right now, the Rs down ballot are much more susceptible to low turnout. Important races such tactics could hurt include Shimkus, Topinka and Birkett.


A Tiny Taste of Capitol Fax from October 4, 2002:

NEGATIVES TO START SOON (excerpt) Insiders say Jim Ryan will begin running negative TV ads against his opponent as early as Monday.

The ads will reportedly play up allegations that Rod Blagojevich’s father-in-law, Alderman Dick Mell, has ties to Chicago gang leaders and other unsavory characters. It could not be determined yesterday how much money JRyan will put behind the buy.