How to Bring the Japanese

How to Bring the Japanese out of Economic Doldrums

Keep choosing to be uncompetitive in the clean car race. Guest blogger Eric Rauchway at Altercation makes the valuable point that by dragging our feet, Japan is moving ahead. Gregg Easterbrook has done some great work on how the US Government under both Clinton and Bush have created an incredibly inefficient program to supposedly encourage better gas mileage. The Bush continuation is missing from TNR Online (or I’m too stupid to find it). However, he has instituted the same mechanism for fuel cell cars.

Poking holes in Sacred Cows

Poking holes in Sacred Cows

I can think of three mixed metaphors that could be involved above. How about you? Anyway, Steve Chapman argues the Cuban Missile Crisis was mishandled and applies it to Iraq. It is good reasoning and while I disagree, he makes an excellent argument.

What should be interesting is the linguistic pirouette the administration makes to distinguish between Iraq and North Korea. There are significant differences to be sure, I’m just skeptical the administration can communicate them.

Little Gary Bauer Defends Falwell,

Little Gary Bauer

Defends Falwell, Robertson, Franklin Graham and Jerry Vines. No surprise, but it is a neat little trick. He says Jerry Falwell isn’t the problem when Falwell calls the Muslim Prophet Muhammed a terrorist. He then says the problem is jihadism. First, let’s stipulate that jihadism can be peaceful conflict within oneself, but clearly he is talking about violant Islamists. The problem with Little Gary’s argument is not all Muslims are the problem as the foursome of studidity tried to claim. If they had made critical comments of specific forms of Islam there wouldn’t have been a problem.