The Leader folks are trying to make something about the Trib’s polls. They are claiming they are rigged without identifying how the poll is rigged, but suggesting that one problematic poll at the LA Times is cause for concern.
Of course, given Survey USA had similar results a little bit ago, I’m unclear why the 41 point spread is surprising given the Keyes eruptions (now even worse). Survey USA had a 39 point spread. To be fair, I’m still skeptical of the computer polls Survey USA uses, but given both polls support one another, it’s hard to see what is at issue.
The Trib doesn’t explicitly identify how it obtains it sample (it should–list or Random Digit Dialing. In a Senate race either should be fine, but RDD done correctly is probably my preference. Even with that, 1 in 20 of all polls are simply wrong, but there is no reason to think this one is.
Of course, the Keyes folks could just release a well done internal poll to argue with them….