“There was also in Rumsfeld’s planning a failure to provide security for nuclear materials”
Some have tried to shrug this off as the chaos of the original invasion.
Those who have read for a long time know that I harp on the issue of nuclear security quite a bit. Much of my respect for Dick Lugar comes from his work alerting the nation to the danger of loose nuclear materials control. In this case, the material is not fissable–at least easily, but I didn’t think an invasion of Iraq was to create an open bazaar of dirty bomb materials for Al Qaeda–such a situation leaves us less secure than with Saddam Hussein in power who had an interest in controlling such material to make sure it wasn’t used against him.
Why not just put a giant neon sign
“Nuclear Materials Here!”
Sign the petition to have Rumsfeld fired. If anything, the petition is too modest in asking for only Rumsfeld’s job.
The did put up a sign…but it was stolen.