CalPundit was turned down for an interview by Lott on his mysterious survey. Given Lott took his marbles and went home before bothering to answer why he is repeating an inferior survey, one has to wonder if the entire schtick isn’t brilliant marketing.

Get some rather dimwitted gun rights advocates to jump on your bandwagon with some half-ass research that they don’t have the technical competency to understand (or a over anxious law prof/blogger) and then cry persecution whenever anyone asks reasonable questions about your methods and evidence. Even better, always move the argument over to a survey for which there is conveniently no way to verify or disprove its existence and avoid discussing the actual methodology of it or of your primary work. Get one peer reviewed article out there, publish a book based on the article and then turn to Regnery to rake in some cash. Good work if you can get it. You can also whine that no one will hire you.

I have little more to say given that no one with any integrity is going to take this clown seriously. For those interested in following it closely, Tim Lambert continues to do a bang up job. By this point, Lott’s sexual identity is being questioned and well, it is sophomoric and kinda funny.

Having little more to say doesn’t mean nothing more to say so expect more as the situation merits.

One thing I do have left is that Lott claimed in one interview that it was reasonable to allow his wife and son to post a fraudulent review under the pseudonym Mary Rosh. He seemed taken aback by the notion that he should have intervened when they posted the Amazon review. In my view, yes he should have intervened. Teaching your children ethical conduct is an important part of being a parent. Misrepresenting oneself as a disinterested observer is far different than say posting anonymously. I can guarantee you I won’t be blogging about any of my work in my non-anonymous life.

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