From the inbox–I can’t keep up with all of the threads over there:

“…although it seems to be lost on many of my fellow conservatives, he is making us all look nuts. You can be pro-life without comparing women who get one to terrorists. You can be pro-Second Amendment without sounding like you want to have everyone walking through the streets armed with machine guns. You can be anti-gay marriage without referring to the Vice President’s daughter as a “selfish hedonist.” And you can hope to empower black Americans without calling for reparations, regardless of the form you want them to be in.


“…I have never, in my life, used the phrase “right-wing extremist” to describe anyone. I have always found it to be a cute little tool used by the left to try to paint mainstream conservatives like President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Jeb Bush, Bill Frist, Jack Ryan, etc. as out of the mainstream. However, if they ever do want a true definition of an intolerant, right-wing extremist, Alan Keyes is that man.”

The e-mailer pretty much nails it:

This thread is a great expression of why it’s conservatives who should be hopping mad at Keyes. Agree with conservatives or not, they have genuine aspirations that deserve an honest, clearheaded assessment by voters. For liberals, Keyes is a joke and, as you said, a gift. For Republicans, he’s an outrage and a disservice.

I believe OneMan has something to say on this topic too….

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