It’s So Sad When Families Don’t Take Care of Their Elderly

Tom Roeser’s family continues to allow him internet access no matter how delusional he becomes:


I have always regarded smug late-night TV comics with suspicion since it is clear they are driven to court social upscale wannabes who laugh at conservatives like me…but I am being educated to the fact that there is evidently something different about Jay Leno that distinguishes him from David Letterman. Leno came roaring back to TV the other night and knocked all his competitors out of the box on ratings. Yet he was severely panned by TV critics for having a show that was stilted, dull, a faint imitation of his old gig, etc. Very little mention was made of his spectacular ratings. Then a different critic wrote something that told me why.

Leno wore a familiar small American flag in his lapel which set the arch-liberal critics who disdain patriotism because it is so-so-so gauche. Letterman, he said, is the ultimate New York eastern lefty sophisticate.  Gee, I didn’t know there was that much difference between them, did you? Evidently this octogenarian has been missing something. Leno is a patriot and Letterman is a scoffer with upraised eyebrow with attitudes that are pro-Third World and anti-American? Is this true? I still won’t watch either one but if among you there are people who are tuned in to the differences, would you please tell me at And thanks.


He also claimed Mary Schmich and Eric Zorn are lovers. That’s libel actually, but he continues to have access to his keyboard.

Roeser also jumps on this bizarre ACORN meme, though he appears to be quite fine with Blackwater.  Go figure.  He also doesn’t appear to understand the differences between ACORN and ACORN Housing–ACORN Housing not being the organization involved in the, ahem, ‘sting’ and also the one more likely to receive government support for housing counseling.


But really, Tom Roeser’s family is letting an old senile man make a fool of himself everyday. It’s quite sad no one cares enough about him to take away his keyboard.




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