It Wasn’t Just the City of New Orleans

Jefferson, St. Bernards and Plaquemines were not receiving help either. It wasn’t until Friday that there was any contact with FEMA in St. Bernards and Aaron Broussard’s break down is well known by now.

There’ll be lots of blame to go around, but it’s pretty clear one clusterfuck is centered right on Mike Brown.

One thought on “It Wasn’t Just the City of New Orleans”
  1. It’ll be interesting to see what the areas outside of New Orleans and in the other states look like. At the moment, the focus has been pretty much on New Orleans (with good reason of course). Currently Governor Barbour (MI) has been singing the praises of the federal government:

    “Our sister states have been fabulous. The federal government’s been fabulous. In our state, they have worked and worked and worked. Never been a president in my knowledge like Bush who on Sunday said, `Please evacuate.’ I went on TV and begged people to evacuate. And if everybody had evacuated we wouldn’t–we’d have the destruction but we wouldn’t have the death toll. ”

    Maybe when we learn a bit more about the other areas including Mississippi, the Governor won’t be so effusive.

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