Interesting Analysis on Fitzgerald

Rich Miller argues that attacking Fitzgerald as LaHood and Hastert are plays into his hands.

Miller is correct. If they continue this path, they are going to build him up into a folk hero amongst social conservatives who have the better ground operation especially downstate. Andrew McKenna could well take the suburbs and lose badly in the primary. I have little doubt that Fitzgerald will win the nomination. However, payback is a bitch and a bruising primary fight for the man who refused to intercede in the Governor’s race between J-Ry and O’Malley should be expected to as a whole lot of hunka burning love payback. Fitzgerald had the chance to try and move O’Malley to the AG race to avoid a bitter primary feud and he refused.

The ICFST is in a circle of retribution between the Combine/moderate elements and the social conservatives. The only people this cycle benefits are Democrats. Keep up the good work boys.

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